Since December, here is what we've done for the adoption:
1) Had psychological evaluations
2) Filled out and submitted our I-800A form along with our approved home study and the $890 required fee
3) Began gathering dossier documents
4) Completed fingerprints for our FBI background check and submitted them to a channeler
5) Completed fingerprints for our I-800A approval
Phew...we're exhausted. And, we're not done yet! We still have a few forms to gather, to have notarized, and then to have apostilled. I don't really understand that part yet, but one thing at a time, right? You can see why most days I feel like this:
But, seriously. Even though things seem to be creeping along, we really feel good about where we are in the process. We heard from our dossier specialist yesterday for the first time which gives me hope that things are about to start moving quickly! Scott and I are both confident that 2015 is going to be our year - the year that we become a family of 3! It's all so exciting and I have to remember to take it one day at a time...I say this to my clients all the time and, most of the time, I feel like I'm really saying it for myself, haha.
We have been doing really well with our fundraising for the adoption and are almost 1/3 of the way to our estimated costs! Take a look at our YouCaring site and you'll see that we are just shy of $10,000! Wow! We're blown away at how much people have helped out. Thank you, thank you. Most of the funds that we have raised and saved so far have already been applied to our adoption costs, but we're confident that we'll continue meeting our fee deadlines. If you'd like to help, here are the most recent fundraisers that we have going on:
Online Jamberry Party - January 10th - January 16th
A fellow-adoptive mama offered to host a Jamberry fundraiser for me to help out with our adoption costs. There are fun games and opportunities to win freebies for all those who participate! You can access the party here or, if you'd rather skip the party, you can buy directly through this link and select "Jessica's Adoption Fundraiser" at checkout.
Just Love Coffee - Ongoing
We recently started a new fundraiser through Just Love Coffee. Just Love Coffee is a Murfreesboro-based fair-trade and organic coffee-roasting company which provides a portion of their funds each year to adoptive families, non-profits, and the arts. We'll receive a portion of every purchase you make through our shop. So, if you love coffee (and who doesn't?), check it out!
And of course, our two standbys:
YouCaring Site - Ongoing
If you'd like to donate directly to our adoption fund, you can do so here. You can also see all of the money that we have raised and saved so far at this site.
Etsy Shop, With Love Accessories - Ongoing
If you haven't seen my shop in a while, I have several new items including necklaces and Valentine's Day-wear! I also have a sale going on for all of my NFL and Collegiate items. Don't miss out - see it here.
Looking forward to the future and to the renewed hope that 2015 has brought for our family! Stick around to share in the excitement that's to come. :)
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