Monday, August 17, 2015


It's been far too long since my last post.  Truth is, waiting has been difficult, and I think I needed a break from all things adoption. We moved to a new place in April and I started a new job in May (new, but with my previous employer).  Both of these things held us up in the adoption process a little bit since we had to have our home study and immigration approval updated.

Despite the break from blogging, the move, the new job, and the updates, things are going really well with the adoption!  In fact, on June 18th, we were presented with the profile of a child who we hope to adopt.  :)  (Yes, I realize I'm leaving out any descriptors of the child, but nothing's official yet so you'll have to wait :-P).  We sent a letter of intent (LOI) stating that we intend to adopt the child and we completed all of our dossier paperwork.  Our dossier is officially on its way to Colombia and now we're waiting for approval from ICBF (Colombian Family Welfare Institute or Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar).  After approval, the child's profile will need to be presented to us as a referral before everything is "official."

So, when might all of this wrap up, you ask?  That's a good question.  Unfortunately, there's no real time-line to the approval process.  We expect that we'll be asked to provide additional information...Because, you know, 86 pages of information isn't quite enough. ;-) We were told that, even if/once we're approved, it could still take a little bit before we're sent the referral or it could be all at once.  We were also told that we would likely travel 4-6 months after approval.  We're still thinking it could be a little while before everything comes together.  Regardless, we are SUPER excited and can't wait to share more info with you!  :) :) :)  Everything's getting real!  Stick around for more updates (hopefully sooner rather than later)!